Guido Cappellini
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What they say about him…

Denis Cappellini

What they say about him…

Denis Cappellini

Denis Cappellini

When I was born, he was already there. Being his cousin, I followed Guido in all his experiences, as a friend and a collaborator, in all his sports and fun activities.Guido has always been very competitive and determined in everything he did. I think one of this greatest merits is the positivity in facing challenges, in addition to his determination and the search for perfection.On a sporting level, all these qualities have led him to win a lot, in everything he has done.He achieved the top in F1 Inshore, winning 10 World Championship and giving us a lot of satisfactions. I also worked on the wharf with other World Champions, but  I must admit I have not found yet  in anybody else,  Guido’s expertise in finding the right propeller,  in understanding the strenghts and weaknesses of a boat or an engine, without the help of telemetry,  I have not still found in another.Guido is simply a winner, there is only one thing in his DNA:  to win, at any cost.As a Team manager, not much has changed : the only option is to win  as a team, and try to make our drivers win. We all love him very much,  for me personally he’s like my big brotther!

Denis Cappellini – Abu Dhabi Team Technician and Guido’s cousin
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