Guido Cappellini
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What they say about him…

Giacomino Curti

What they say about him…

Giacomino Curti

Giacomino Curti

I met Guido at the elementary school, and that was my end! Seriously, I started working in his father’s company when I was fiftheen and since then I’ve always  been with Guido, Throughout the whole adventure. Above all, Guido is like a brother for me,  and aftewardsr he is a great driver. He gave  me so many satisfactions during these years, winning so many races and so many world titles!We still continue to win many, now even, with the Abu Dhabi team, that we hope  will continue for many more years. I am a person of few words, those I dedicated to Guido here,are really coming from my heart!

Giacomino Curti – Technician Abu Dhabi Team
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