Guido Cappellini
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What they say about him…

Giampaolo Montavoci

What they say about him…

Giampaolo Montavoci

Giampaolo Montavoci

Guido Cappellini left the F.1 Powerboating circuit while he was the  World Champion: this is not common, at all! We became boat mates when he  decided to drive an offshore hull, and I have the chance to know him better.A lot of people said to  me he was not an easy person, and they were right!I am not an easy person too, and I was scared it should be difficult to establish and maintain a relation with him, but I must admit Guido was a discovery for me! Guido is a great person and on the hull with him I enjoined  a lot! We reached many good results together, during three years, But on top of all, I’ll never forget  the first race, performer in Rio De Janeiro, where we arrived in third position.The day before that race, Guido announced: “We need to get better then the Abu Dhabi Team (who was the strongest at that time) and before Meret (the only woman in the circuit  and a good F. 1 driver too). Although it seemed to be an impossible goal, we made it!I’m from Venice and I am a very expert offshore driver, but I could undesrtand the difference between a good driver and an authentic champion, only staying side by side with Guido.In a century, it is hard to have more than one or two as talented as Guido-I still have in my mind our overcrossing the Abu Dhabi boat at  the fifth lap, in Rio, as if in a flashback scene:.it was a masterpiece of talent, courage,  and cunning! We forced them to slow down and we gulled them at the buoy turn. Unforgettable!

Giampaolo Montavoci – Class One Offshore driver
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