Guido Cappellini
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What they say about him…

Salem R. El Remaithi

What they say about him…

Salem R. El Remaithi

Salem R. El Remaithi

For me, Guido is very demanding. So, from a managerial aspect, he is an inspiration to many, because he’ll do things a lot of other managers wouldn’t dream of doing.He values his opponents and does not underestimate them. Always likes to work with the best. Very professional in dealing with drivers and other members of the Team.Working with Guido was sensational. We were by far better than all other teams.  He deserves credit for that and has moved Team Abu Dhabi forward in all aspects.  We have learned a lot from him both as a manager and as a human being.Still remember in 2015 when His Highness offered Guido the job and asked him: “are you up to the challenge of making “Team Abu Dhabi” the best team in the history of this sport?  The Guido responded:“I’m ready to overcome this challenge and believe me, if I didn’t feel that, I wouldn’t be here standing before your Highness.” Today I would stay, he did it.At the end, no two people in the world would disagree about Guido is the best in history as a driver and as a Team Manager.

Salem R. El Remaithi – General manager Abu Dhabi International Marine Sports Club
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